
Any span of any document on PubAnnotation may be accessed through its own URI, e.g.,

We call it a span URI.

Note that, in a span URI, the document is specified, e.g. ‘/docs/sourcedb/PubMed/sourceid/25314077’, and the span is specified, e.g. ‘/spans/0-86’.

The span specification of PubAnnotation is based on caret (text cursor) positions.

caret positions

In the above example, the string ‘protein’ exists between the caret positions 4 and 11, thus its span specifications will be ‘/span/4-11’.

PubAnnotation provides a GUI to get the URI of any span:

  1. Open a document page
    caret positions

  2. Select a span, then the URI of the span will appear below the document.
    caret positions

  3. Click the URL to open the document page with the selected span highlighted.

Once a span URI is obtained, annotations to the span can be accessed by adding ‘/annotations’ to the URL:

The annotations also can be accessed in JSON:

or in a visualization (TextAE):

Note that, to the same document, annotations may be produced by more than one projects, and all of them will be shown by accessing the above URLs.

The annotations from a specific project can be accessed by specifying the project in the URL as in:

for HTML rendering, or

for JSON representation.

The latter can be supplied to a project specification as a sample annotation.

caret positions

Also, it can be given to TextAE for visualization, e.g.